Lost in Git

Nextcloud Hackweek – Day 2 – Documentation, GitHub, Barbecue

The morning started with carrying 6 bottles of Fitou wine from the hotel to the office because in the evening there will be a barbecue.

Concerning my success with documentation yesterday, we discovered today, that someone merged another pull request that did exactly the same than mine. So today in the morning we decided to revert my changes.

Afterwards I created another page about the password policy app and theming.

It was interesting for me to see the different approaches used by different people to use Github. The general way to work seems to be

  1. create a branch from the master.
  2. edit the branch and commit the desired changes
  3. create a pull request
  4. someone has to look at your pull request and merge it to the master
  5. depending on the changes the pull request has to be back ported to the stable10 and stable9 branch. Back porting is a bit complicate because you have to “cherry pick” single commits. For the cherry picking you have to copy several id’s (commit id, pull request id) and the whole process can easily become a bit complicate :)

There are two possibilities to use Github. You can use the command line on your Computer and type the commands manually or you use the browser, navigate to https://github.com the browser and do it online. The browser version ist a reduced set of commands and its possible to do easy changes. Joas told me it was invented to allow people with no clue how this works to be able to do small edit when they are allowed to.

Next Step – I have to learn these magical git commands and use the command line -> https://git-scm.com

Stay tuned :)

In the evening we had the barbecue. Andreas, the sales guy said “Oh, that’s a nice nerd barbecue”.

I enjoyed the evening/night and returned at 3am to the hotel.






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