Category: Website

  • I’m a reliable Drupal developer working as freelancer, not within a big agency

    I’m a reliable Drupal developer working as freelancer, not within a big agency

    Two weeks ago Steve Burge was looking for “a reliable Drupal developer working as freelancer, not within a big agency”. Can anyone recommend a reliable Drupal developer working as a freelancers, not within a big agency? — Steve Burge (@SteveJBurge) January 27, 2016 and Roger Perren mentioned me @SteveJBurge try to contact @hagengraf — Roger […]

  • Joomla – A Social Movement In Tech Industry?

    Joomla – A Social Movement In Tech Industry?

    It is simply amazing to talk to people from 5 continents over a few days. It’s even more amazing to do that in a place like Bangalore, India where the Joomla World Conference just took place (6-8 Nov 2015). The Indian population stands for >17{0f2b36d8f80fa52f37b916148a6e37fe671d96583f68d5887344addd2eee52a6} of the worlds population. In Bangalore are living more people […]

  • Eine Drupal 7 Website für ein EU-Projekt

    Eine Drupal 7 Website für ein EU-Projekt

    Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, entwickeln und managen wir seit vielen Jahren Europäische Projekte für Erwachsenenbildung. Solche Projekte werden von Organisationen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern beantragt und eine europäische Kommission entscheidet, welche Projekte in welchem Umfang unterstützt werden. Wir haben vor wenigen Wochen den “Zuschlag” für unser “Garten Future” Projekt erhalten und jetzt geht es los! Unsere […]

  • megaupload, Kim Schmitz, Apple and SOPA

    Ok, to understand my thoughts you have to spend a bit time, follow the links and watch the videos and sources I linked to (or may be not, if you know them all). I know it’s complicate and it takes time, but the world isn’t that easy :) Step by step January 18th The whole […]

  • Qu’est-ce que Facebook?

    Il était une fois devant le site Facebook existe où le mot facebook a été définie comme ceci A facebook is a printed or online directory consisting of individuals’ photographs and names. In particular, it denotes publications of this type distributed by university administrations at the start of the academic year with the intention of […]

  • What is Facebook?

    There was a time before the website Facebook exists where the word facebook was defined like this A facebook is a printed or online directory consisting of individuals’ photographs and names. In particular, it denotes publications of this type distributed by university administrations at the start of the academic year with the intention of helping […]

  • Things on a Frontpage

    Thanks to Randall Munroe –

  • mobile first?

    Am 16.02.2010 verkündete Eric Schmid (CEO Google) in Barcelona das neue Mantra von Google mobile first! Er meint damit, dass die Programmierer sich jetzt zuerst an die mobile Version einer Anwendung machen und erst danach an die “klassischen” Browserversionen. Über die Aussage habe ich mich sehr gefreut, weil ich das vor ein paar Monaten auch […]

  • Google Wave

    Finally I had time to watch this 80 minutes video and it was awesome! It’s not ready yet and Google is perfect in guerilla marketing but the idea is very, very good. It seems to be possible to start your own waves on your company server and it is an very good collaboration tool. We […]