The whole CW thing isn’t a real solution. It’s mystery meat. What will we see? A confession? Some nudity? Curse words? Goatse???

I do think community rules are beneficial. These days, no rules can quickly lead into a Hobbesian nightmare. You might consider listing in general terms the kinds of things you will ban someone for. That’s not for the benefit of the would-be malefactor than the rest of the people. And for you as owner/moderator.

I joined some Mastodon communities a while ago. At first it was a nice change. But I didn’t have the time. The fediverse is a nice idea, but Mastodon needs some kind of automated code vetting. As it is, privacy is out the door and basic security is in question. In the end, a p2p network needs some kinds of system to build trus technically and socially. Ideally community-wrought systems that can’t be skewed or gamed.